Customer voice
Our Customer Voice team is here to ensure customers like you have their voices heard.

What is customer voice?
Customer voice is about making sure the voices of customers are heard and valued right across the organisation. Our aim is to create a culture where feedback is actively sought, understood, and used to improve our services and decision-making. And as a result, we want hear that customers feel they’re listened to and that their voices matter.
We focus on:
- Understanding: Learning about what customers want, need and experience.
- Engaging: Providing lots of options and making it easy to give feedback.
- Opportunities to influence: Making sure feedback shapes and improves services.
- Being transparent: Continuously letting you know how we’re using voices and feedback.
You can read our Customer Voice Strategy in full to find out more.
How you can get involved
To speak to us about any of these involvement opportunities, contact the Customer voice team using our contact us form or by calling us. You’ll hear back from the team within 5 working days.
We have a full customer voice framework to make sure there are lots of suitable ways for you to get involved.
Customer and Communities Committee
There are three customer members on our Customer and Communities Committee. The committee plays an essential role, making sure that our services are well run, that we’re delivering on our promises, and achieving the best outcomes for our customers.
Formal customer groups
We have three formal customer groups, each chaired by a member of the Customer and Communities Committee:
Customer Scrutiny Panel
The Customer Scrutiny Panel (CSP) run as an independent scrutiny group and choose its own topics of scrutiny, shaped by what they know is important to customers. You can read more about them below.
Service Improvement Group
This group focusses on service improvements that we know we need to make as a result of performance or customer feedback.
Complaints & Performance Group
This group looks at complaints and CSAT, including Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs). Managers across One Manchester attend this group’s meetings at their request to discuss service performance.
Customer Panels
There are six customer panels which launched in 2024 as a result of customer feedback. These panels discuss specific topics that are important to customers, including new or revised policies.
They are:
- Service charges panel
- Procurement panel
- Communications panel
- Customer service improvement panel
- Quality homes panel
- High rise panel
You can participate as much or as little as you like. Panel members receive a £20 voucher for each meeting they attend.
Community engagement (area-specific feedback)
We're always looking for your input on how to improve your local area. The ways that you can do this are:
- Coming along to one of our drop-in sessions and estate walkabouts or attend one of our community events.
- Participating in our Community Plans projects that're coming soon.
One-to-one engagement
Your insights help us understand how you feel and how we need to improve satisfaction with our services. We collect feedback in these ways:
- Tenancy Experience (TEX) visits: Neighbourhood Officers meet all customers in your home on an annual basis. This is a chance to talk to us about anything! Your NO will make sure your feedback reaches the right place.
- TSM Surveys: We get in touch with around 200 customers every month to ask questions from the Tenant Satisfaction Measures. A company called IFF does this on our behalf – you can read more below.
- Complaints: Complaints are valuable for helping us to understand individual and systemic failures. To make a complaint, click here.
Online surveys
Online surveys are a way for you to provide us with quick and easy feedback on specific topics.
Our Customer voice team is always open to creating more opportunities for you to get involved, have your say, and give feedback on the services we provide. If you’d like to put forward any other ideas, contact us!

What customer voice shapes
We make sure that customer voices can influence every area of the business, but here are some of the specific areas that are regularly shaped:
- Our policies and processes: We change and improve these based on customer feedback.
- Our decision-making: Decisions affecting customers are only made following customer consultation, which might be done by a Group, Panel, or survey.
- Complaints learnings: We make continuous business improvements as a result of complaints. You can read more about this in our Complaints self-assessment.
- Service adjustments: We make changes to how we deliver services based on customer feedback.
- How we tailor services: We use feedback to understand how we might need to tailor our services to individuals but also neighbourhoods.
As a result of our launching our new framework, customer voice will also influence:
- Our contracts: Customer engagement will be part of our procurement process so you can have a say on how we procure services and contracts that are efficient and effective.
- Our communication: We will make changes to things like our website and newsletters to make sure they’re customer-friendly, based on feedback.
IFF is calling you to get your feedback
A research company called IFF Research calls and emails One Manchester customers on our behalf to collect your feedback on our services. Please don’t be concerned if you’re contacted – we completely understand if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, and we’d like to emphasise that taking part is optional.
What you can expect
- Calls from IFF Research will come from 0330 027 0103.
- You may get calls between 9am-8pm Mondays-Fridays and 11am-5pm Saturdays.
- The call handler will introduce themselves and explain they’re calling on behalf of your housing provider, One Manchester.
- You may also receive emails from
IFF Research carry out their survey in accordance with the Market Research Society Code of Conduct. Any answers you provide will be confidential, stored securely, and won’t be shared with anyone other than One Manchester.
By taking part in this survey, you help us review and improve our services, so thank you for giving your time.

Customer Scrutiny Panel
Our Customer Scrutiny Panel (CSP) is made up of a group of customers who are here to make sure the customer voice is heard and acted on, at every level of One Manchester. The CSP plays a central role in our governance structure. They meet regularly and carry out service reviews, putting together reports, giving constructive feedback and recommendations based on evidence. Having this in-depth look at our services makes sure that, where we need to improve, customer-focused solutions are always found, and positive changes made. This is more important than ever this year, as we start to be assessed against the new Consumer Standards and Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs).
What are the CSP working on this year?
The new panel is kicking things off with a repairs service review, which we know from customers is a top priority. This involves looking at your feedback from the Big Listen, mapping customer journeys within the service, and using all of this to rebuild an improved repairs service with a better customer experience.
Stay tuned - we've got plenty of updates on what the CSP has been busy doing, coming soon.