Value for money
Value for money strategy
One Manchester is a provider of housing and community services. We currently own and manage more than 12,000 homes in Manchester. However, our responsibilities go much further than providing homes. We look at the issues that go beyond housing and especially those that are specific to each of our communities. We help people manage their money, find work, set up businesses and stay healthy and well. In directing our attention to the needs of individual people – the very reason we exist – we aim to create places that will thrive and prosper.
Value for Money (VfM) sits at the heart of everything we do – striving to offer excellent value for money in the services we offer to our residents and customers. Our approach is outlined in our Value for Money Strategy and is driven by our Board who direct VfM through their business planning process. Board reviews and scrutinises the annual budget throughout the year and assesses the quality of service and the performance against that budget.
This is supported by a robust business plan that our Board has stress tested to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the business and is robust enough to take into account any emerging issues. One Manchester’s Board always makes business decisions with VfM in mind alongside the strategic aims of the organisation.
Objective one: Best use of assets and resources
This objective sits at the heart of our business planning and budgeting process and underpins the work of the whole organisation.

Objective two: Maximise our Social Value
We are a sector leader in embedding social value and our aim is to make a contribution to the economic, environmental and wider social wellbeing of our communities.

Objective three: Maximise procurement opportunities
Corporate procurement has a key role to play in the delivery of our VfM objectives, ensuring that quality products and services are achieved at the best obtainable price from our contractors and suppliers

Objective four: Regulatory compliance and scrutiny
The regulator has an increased focus and proactive approach to the regulation of the economic standards around governance, viability and VfM of registered providers.
Objective five: Deliver value for our customers
The customer voice is key to our delivery of VfM enabling us to fully understand the services our residents need and expect from us and influences how we use our resources to make a positive impact to the lives and communities of our customers.