Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

One Manchester Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Transparency Statement 2023

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose
This statement outlines the ongoing commitment of the One Manchester Group ('One Manchester') to comprehensively address and mitigate modern slavery risks across its business operations and supply chains. We are dedicated to ensuring that there is no presence of slavery or human trafficking within our organisation and amongst our suppliers.

1.2. Zero tolerance
As a trusted and experienced landlord, One Manchester maintains a zero-tolerance stance towards modern slavery and human trafficking. Our actions are guided by principles of transparency and integrity in all our business transactions.

1.3. Commitment
One Manchester's commitment extends beyond housing. We continually examine issues that affect our communities and are dedicated to implementing and enforcing robust systems and controls to eradicate modern slavery, including human trafficking, slavery, forced labour, and servitude, from our direct operations and supply chains.

1.4. Ethical partnerships
One Manchester is a charitable organisation with a social purpose. We refuse to engage in any business transactions with entities involved in modern slavery or human trafficking, no matter how remote or indirect the connection.

1.5. Ethical practices
Our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Transparency Statement, alongside our overarching Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy, embodies our commitment to ethical and fair business relationships. We demand that our employees are treated fairly, and we pay them at least the Living Wage. We expect the same standards from our supply chain partners.

2. About One Manchester

2.1. Portfolio overview
One Manchester is a registered charitable social housing provider with a diverse portfolio of approximately 12,000 homes.

2.2. Financial overview
In the financial year 2021/22, One Manchester achieved a Group turnover of £63.4 million.

2.3. Employee focus
We employ approximately 452 individuals and maintain committed to being an accredited Living Wage employer.

2.4. Subsidiaries
One Manchester operates three subsidiaries, each with its own Board of Directors. The One Manchester Limited Board serves as the Group Parent, overseeing the activities of the following wholly-owned subsidiaries:

  • One Manchester Developments Limited.
  • One Manchester Treasury Limited.
  • One Manchester Property Limited.

2.5. Scope
This statement encompasses One Manchester Limited and all the aforementioned subsidiaries.

3. Supply chain

3.1. Diversity

Our supply chain spans various sectors, including building and maintenance contractors, as well as suppliers of goods and services for our office functions.

3.2. Contractual commitments
For suppliers with significant annual spend levels, we maintain signed contracts in accordance with One Manchester’s Procurement Procedural Guidance.

3.3. Continuous improvement
At One Manchester we remain committed to enhancing our procurement practices concerning tenders and contracts to ensure they align with best practices, legislative requirements, and prioritising modern slavery considerations in all procurement activities.

4. Policies and Procedures

4.1. Comprehensive framework
At One Manchester we have established a comprehensive framework of policies and procedures to minimise the risk of human trafficking and slavery, including:

  • Anti-Fraud Policy and Fraud Response Plan
  • Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
  • Code of Conduct
  • Delegatory Framework
  • Employee Engagement Strategy
  • People Strategy
  • Procurement Procedural Guidance
  • Recruitment Policy
  • Risk Management Policy and Framework
  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Whistleblowing Policy

5. Assessment

5.1. Ongoing evaluation
We continually assess the risks associated with modern-day slavery and ensure that appropriate mitigations are in place. We remain committed to regular reviews to account for evolving risks and challenges.

6. Risk and due diligence

6.1. Transparent recruitment
Our recruitment processes prioritise transparency and are subject to regular review. We verify the identities of new employees and ensure proper payment methods.

6.2. Supplier engagement
Recognising the risks posed by third-party contractors, we actively address this by:

  • Requiring compliance with the Modern Slavery Act in our Procurement Procedural Guidance.
  • Conducting supplier surveys to assess their policies and systems for tracking modern slavery.
  • Appointing a specialist Procurement Manager to uphold best practices in purchasing and procurement.

7. Training and capacity building

7.1. Employee awareness
We include safeguarding and anti-slavery training in our online induction process to raise awareness among employees. The Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy is now mandatory training for all colleagues.

7.2. Safeguarding procedures
Our Safeguarding policy addresses modern slavery concerns and provides clear instructions on how to report potential incidents. Staff are regularly trained on safeguarding procedures, ensuring their effectiveness in identifying and addressing risks.

8. Partnership with Slave Free Alliance

In July, One Manchester embarked on a three-year partnership with the Slave Free Alliance (SFA), with the aim of evaluating our organisation's response to modern slavery risks. The SFA have completed the GAP analysis report, which is a comprehensive assessment of our practices. In November, we will discuss the forthcoming report from the SFA, which will highlight what we are doing well and where we need to improve in our operations and supply chain. This valuable insight will guide our efforts to work more ethically.

The Slave Free Alliance conducted a thorough review tailored to our needs. They examined our policies, engaged with staff from various departments, and provided a report with recommendations to help us improve.

They also will provide expert advice on our anti-slavery strategies and programmes. They will help us enhance our strategies, risk management, and other areas. This support ensures we follow best practices and adapt them to our organisation's structure. Lastly, they emphasise the importance of having a clear process for addressing issues and providing support. This process helps us protect modern slavery victims, maintain our reputation, and ensure ethical operations. We are committed to collaborating with the SFA to combat modern slavery and ensure our operations align with ethical and responsible standards.

9. Further actions

9.1. Ongoing commitment

In the coming year, we will continue to prioritise the fight against modern slavery and human trafficking by:

  • Holding board members and senior management accountable for implementing our policies and objectives.
  • Ensuring all employees can access and understand our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.
  • Regularly reviewing our policies to align with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
  • Enhancing our tender documents and contract terms to reinforce our zero-tolerance stance.
  • Promoting awareness and understanding of modern slavery and human trafficking across our organisation.
  • Conducting ongoing assessments with key suppliers to evaluate their efforts in reducing modern slavery risks.
  • Undertaking audits and spot checks in high-risk areas such as procurement, employment, and service delivery.

10. Board approval

10.1. Legal compliance
This statement is made in compliance with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes One Manchester’s Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the financial year 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.

10.2. Annual Review
It has been approved by One Manchester’s Board, which will conduct an annual review and update as necessary to reflect our ongoing commitment to combating modern slavery and human trafficking.