12 Days of Festivity- our year roundup

Posted 13 Dec 2022

Our 2022 highlights

As 2022 draws to an end, we wanted to take the opportunity to celebrate some of our highlights from the year and showcase what we’ve achieved to support our customers and communities. This includes everything from launching our new developments and helping residents find work, to introducing new funding programmes and taking part Manchester Pride 2022.

Read our highlights below!

Activities for our older residents

Earlier this year, we received a grant from Manchester Local Care Organisation Adult Services Team for an Activity Co-ordinator to work in our Independent Living Schemes. The funding enabled us to run a suite of activities to engage residents and help reduce loneliness and isolation in our communities.

Restoring Westwood Cottages

In early 2022, we began the restoration of Westwood Cottages. These Grade II listed buildings were constructed in 1876 and had been left derelict for some years. Our efforts gave them a new lease of life while retaining a part of the city’s heritage, and we’re delighted to have ensured the new two-bed homes are both affordable and energy-efficient.

Supporting residents into green jobs

Our Green Employment Programme was successful in receiving a bid from the Government’s Community Renewal Fund to develop the programme. The programme supported a total of 117 and unemployed local residents into work placements, which has helped them to develop the skills needed to secure a job in the green economy.

Donating coats for kids

Between April and December this year, we ran a coats for kids donation drive and were delighted with the number of donations received from colleagues and local communities. We have now donated a total of 876 coats to local primary and secondary schools where they will be distributed to their most in need students to make sure they stay warm this winter.

Introducing our new eco-fleet

During 2022, we began introducing a new fleet of hybrid and electric vehicles for those frontline teams out on the road. This is a big step towards us achieving our low-carbon ambitions and working in a more sustainable way.

Manchester Caribbean Carnival

In August, One Manchester colleagues had a stall at Manchester Caribbean Carnival to celebrate the 50th anniversary. Across the weekend we came together to engage with attendees and celebrate our city's Caribbean culture, music, food and heritage.

Taking part in Manchester Pride

In August, a team of colleagues volunteered to take part in the the city’s ‘March for Peace’ Pride parade to show support and alliance with Pride and everything it stands for. This time we joined forces with HouseProud Northwest members to have a joint lorry in the celebratory parade. We were delighted to come away from the event having won the Best Parade Entry Overall Award!

Helping unemployed residents into work

In September, our Employment and Skills Team were successful in receiving funding to deliver Skills Bootcamps in Construction and Rail Engineering for One Manchester customers. The Skills Bootcamps have enabled our customers to build up sector-specific skills and fast track to an interview with a local employer.

Winter Wellness Fund

In October, our Communities Team launched our Winter Wellness Fund to help local community groups with the funding to support local residents hardest hit by the cost-of-living crisis. We will be announcing the successful applications very soon, so stay tuned.

Launching our new Thrive Fund

In light of the economic uncertainty, our Financial Inclusion Team launched our new Thrive Fund to help support residents to purchase items they were struggling to afford. We received over 400 applications within the first week, and the team has supported customers in need to purchase items including furniture and kitchen equipment.

Our new developments

This year, we’ve been finalising work on some fantastic new developments and were proud to complete on a large number of our affordable new homes, including Chadwick Place, Beyer's Bahn and Fell View. We’ve been working hard to reduce the impact of our new homes on the environment, and this work has included moving to renewable heating instead of gas in each home.

Christmas parties at our Independent Living Schemes

To ensure we spread some festive cheers this Christmastime, we helped each of our eight Independent Living Schemes to organise a festive party. Our residents have been able to come together to enjoy a Christmas buffet, play some games, sing festive songs, and receive gifts. Our colleagues have also been getting involved in the fun, volunteering their time to help out at the events.

We cannot wait to see what 2023 holds for One Manchester!